1. Wellness Hub
27th of September, 2022

Recipe: Papaya Boat

Jordan Hazan
Recipe: Papaya Boat | RAWW Cosmetics | Desktop Banner

Let's make a boat! With summer just within reach, it's time to create your healthy superfood rich snacks to make you glow from the inside and out. The Papaya Boat is the perfect recipe for a quick, healthy snack!

Papayas are the perfect fruit to keep your heart healthy. They contain high levels of antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Get the power of papaya in your diet and beauty routine, with this easy and delicious recipe.

Papaya Boat


1/2 a papaya: seeded
1/2 a banana: sliced
2 strawberries: sliced
1/2 tsp hemp seeds
4 tbsp coconut yoghurt
1/2 tsp desiccated coconut
Juice of 1/2 a lime


1. Simply add the coconut yoghurt to the papaya and add the fruit, hemp seeds and desiccated coconut on top.
2. Finish with a squeeze of fresh lime juice and enjoy!

Recipe and photography by Gené Schesser. Gené is a Queensland based Naturopathy student and content creator, check out her Instagram for more healthy recipes!